
The Health challenge area facilitates interdisciplinary research by supporting the institutes, centres, and external partnerships working together to meet the challenge of delivering a healthy and sustainable future.

The Health challenge encompasses both environment and ecosystem health and human health and wellbeing by understanding the interrelationships between our changing environment and biodiversity, health inequalities, food security and ecosystem services, including connecting to research efforts in the Healthier Futures platform and Manchester Environmental Research Institute.

Our work so far has included building networks through interdisciplinary workshops on Health in the Built Environment, Water and Health and EcoOneHealth; supporting and co-ordinating funding bids including UMRI and Darwin Innovation Fund; and developing international collaborations.

  • Human Health and Wellbeing: Being healthy is important for building inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable societies. This area focuses on improving health and healthcare outcomes, addressing health inequalities and mitigating the impact of the changing environment on human health.
  • Environment and Ecosystem Health: The health of the plants, animals, and ecosystems we share the planet with are key to a Sustainable Future. Ensuring health and biodiversity of wild and human-coupled systems is vital for food security, mitigating zoonotic disease, and providing resilient ecosystems and ecosystem services. 

Case Studies 


Health Challenge Lead

Dr Catherine Walton Senior Lecturer in Earth and Environmental Sciences